Greeley, Colorado, USA


Kepner Hall University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado.

Stoneware tile, concrete
10’ x 12’ x 8’

Commissioned by the University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO

The sculpture titled "Fugue" embodies three significant themes, namely the presence of light, classical form, and social interaction. The sculpture's close association with its location and time is reflected through the use of light. The ceramic surfaces of the sculpture exhibit a kaleidoscopic array of patterns that resemble precious gems, thanks to the unpredictable and ever-changing northern Colorado light. The sculpture takes inspiration from classical architecture, which is symbolic of the Greco-Roman tradition. The arrangement of the architectural elements into meaningful patterns suggests the educational function of Kepner Hall. Apart from its aesthetic appeal, the sculpture also serves as a gathering place for students and faculty. It can be used for individual reflection or larger audience gatherings, such as concerts. The sculpture's colors are reminiscent of antique materials and the natural hues of the Colorado sky.


Photo Credit: Barbara Grygutis and Katie McCann

FUGUE Location Map


Granada Ave. Pocket Park, Tucson, Arizona. 85701

Link directs to the outside of Kepner Hall. This interior work is not yet available from Google.