Health Sciences Learning Center
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA


University of Minnesota Health Sciences Learning Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. 2020

20’ H x 30’ W x 2’ D

Aluminum, integrated lighting

This work of art for the University of Minnesota’s new Health Sciences Learning Center is designed to emphasize and highlight an essential human interaction feature necessary for public health - the ability to listen - and the ability to dialogue. Dialogue transcends our differences to find common ground. DIALOGUE is composed of two monumental sculptures with integrated lighting. The shape of each sculpture is a generalized, generic human head and does not convey gender or race— it is simply human. Each sculptural head is rendered differently. One is more transparent, while the other is less transparent but more complex in its transparency system.

Barbara Grygutis's scale concept model for the artwork is conserved at Dublin, California’s Sister City in Bray, Ireland.

Commissioned by the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.


UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA: The Art and Science of Dialogue

DIALOGUE Location Map


Health Sciences Learning Center
University of Minnesota
526 Delaware St SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA